www.FileCaster.com (leaveyourtake)
SwDecor.exe 3/23/2010 Added to debug log for credit card values
SwDecorIndex.exe - attempt to fix ByName Error 3/10/2010
AliView.exe - 3/5/2010 - Reinstated Multi Select Printing Added image viewing and better network compatability fixed printing rtf bug
AliComm32.exe - 64 bit compatibilty Mar 3,2010
Test bed program - copy the .exe and .ini in to same folder to run
AliEv2007.exe 2/3/2010 exe ....Added setting in help menu to turn on and off the debuglog
AliMast32.exe - added DefaultTabStop setting
SwDecor.exe 1/19/2010 Change in open and close error trapping and hours calulation
Evals Oct 2009 Update.exe - 9/29/2009
Extended AliOffice Reports and Graphing ver 12/28/2009
SwDecor.exe 9/17/2009 - out of focus error on exit under certain conditions relocation date set "exclude" in xml for "Notapplicable" tag to TRUE
SwStoreConvert.exe - 4/10/2006
SwDecor.exe 8/25/2009 - Network support features added relocation date set "exclude" in xml for "Notapplicable" tag to false
24 Hours blanking out hours in SwDecor.ini add to [Application] section QueryDataBaseName=C: (or network drive letter) and Relocat
AliComm32.exe - Recovery for lost FTPUserLoginName 8/6/2009 Forces date format of mm/dd/yyyy creates debug log c:\Alicommdebuglog.txt
AliEv2007.exe 7/15/2009 exe .... for first time Start new eval before saving ..With link for above Image insertion and signature and fix to saving image on exit problem, for date formate to mm/dd/yyyy added image counter with warning of to may images - add to aliev2007.ini [Picture] MaxAllowed=20
AliEv32.exe 7/15/2009 fixed OPS file date when using foreign date formats added image counter with warning of to may images still need to add counter
Add to AppLanguage.fig in each language section
PictureOverMaxErrorMessage=You have exceed maximun pictures/signatures
//////////////////////////////// image and signature insertions programs ///////////////////////////////
AliImage.exe 5/29/2009 Image Insertion into Evals 5/29/2009
AliSign.exe - insert signature into evals 5/27/2009
Driver for Topaz system signature pad - from signature pad manufature
SwDecor.exe 5/19/2009 - Network support features added in SwDecor.ini add to [Application] section QueryDataBaseName=C: (or network drive letter)
AliComm32.exe - pricing and duplicate eval same day error trap for sendlog 2/9/2009 creates debug log c:\Alicommdebuglog.txt
AliComm32.exe - PPI is advanced 1 day if same date as other eval infor sendlog 5/29/2009 creates debug log c:\Alicommdebuglog.txt
SwData - with clone option download and copy to c:\hoss\sw
SwdToolx.exe 6/25/2009 - with TotalAdjUnits- and YTD calc fixes download and copy to c:\hoss\sw - improved date readability
Sales History Compare.vts 4/9/2009 - Brand data unzip to \hoss\data
SwDecor.exe 3/18/2009 - Special Dubug version of swdecor.exe
AliEv32.exe - Add on for California Pricing 3/14/2009
Decor Zipped OPT file with OS Languages
TypingTesterD5.exe - Asian editor Test Program D5
TypingTesterD7.exe - Asian editor Test Program D7
AliView.exe 2/6/2009 with debug file c:\hoss\sw\AliViewDebug.txt
WeekRematching.exe - Reset Weeking ending date to handle 53 week years. 2/5/2009
Bill 2 things
for 'X' fix set cell format to ##########
for no blanks allow add to fig file in [Startup] section new line
AliEv2007.exe 11/12/2008b exe special test version with percent progress has changed
Test program for Asian Print Debug 12/16/2008
AliEv2007Print.exe 12/8/2008 With more debug code in c:\hoss\sw\debugEvalPrt.txt for Asia computers to test
Convert Carriage Returns in RTF evals for Ken 11/14/2008
Install Nov Eval forms Patch 1 11/13/2008d
Install Nov Eval forms Patch 1 11/11/2008
Swformedit2007.zip with ifsettings
AliEv2007.exe 11/05/2008b exe with Asian testing code
Install Nov Eval forms Patch 1 11/6/2008 b
AliEv2007.exe 11/05/2008b exe only for check complete fix and change to ###0 format 33% and 84% on starting new eval
Both Evals 9-2008b.exe Eval All Language Install 10/28/2008 77 meg
AliEv2007Print.exe Ver 10/16/2008
AliEv2007.exe 9/17/2008 OPS file form codes for foreign language
Download for Dee - Save to r:\
Install for Alicomm32 and AliEv2007Transmit.exe 10/1/2008
AliComm32 Fix for date selection 10/1/2008
Decor Option Copy Utility 9/30/2008
AliComm32.exe - has debug messages during program loading for 32% 39% and window location 9/23/2008
SwStoreConvert.exe - Added debugging info 9/22/2008
SwRpt.exe - Sales analysis with screen size restraints removed 9/17/2008
AliEv2007.exe 9/17/2008 Doubled up same to ini file for evaldate
AliEv2007.exe 8/26/2008 Change some form loading as a possible way to speed get rid of some program loading errors and reduce loading time
Test Install for Both evals 9/1/2008
AliEv2007Transmit - Fix for foreign dates with - not / Ver 8/21/2008
AliEv2007Print.exe Ver 8/21/2008
SwDecor.Exe - OSLanguage Fix 7/31/2008
ActiveX update for china ActiveXUpdate.exe
SwFormEdit2007.exe ver 7/17/2008
AliComm32.exe with debug log 7/2/2008 Off screen on low res monitors loading problem fix
AliEv32.exe - Fixes to Update and Cancel Keys 6/27/2008
Decor Zipped item /form and XML Dec-1122 data 6-3-2008 Not sure if you need these
Steps Service Pack 4-15-2008.exe....J
Steps Service Pack 4-15-2008.exe....I
Ali2007 Standard base 3/7/2008b
(Save AliEv2007.exe to c:\hoss\eval2007 before running)
AlicommLite Install for Ken ver.10/25/2007
Zipped File for Jim Phillips 8/28/2007
US Steel Coil Tracking Program Good to 8/1/2008
Ionit special viewer ver 8/20/2007 call for password
Ionit viewer readme ver 8/20/2007
Video executable for Michael and Jim
Michael and Jim - Tracking Video Demo Oct 30 2007
Micheal executable for Tracking - click on this link and save to disk
AliOffice Installation Instructions
1. Download below file (SetupAliOffice.exe) to c:\
2. Run the program c:\SetupAliOffice.exe This will install the Install Manager and create an Install Manager Icon on the desktop.
3. Run Install Manage program.
4. While connected to the internet click on the "Download Install Files From Web" button. This will take you to site with install files.
5. Download files from web into \hoss\install. Then exit web browser
6. Click on "Refresh File To Install" button
7. Setup drives, account names and other information on Install Manager window
8. Check off files to install
9. Click on "Start Install"
AliOffice Instructions
Group Copy and Cloning in Maintain Data Program (1.4 meg)